Frequently Asked Questions

1. Corrupted files message when uploading

A message stating that you have "x" number of corrupted files indicates that at some point from the stime you pressed "start" on your garmin to the time you pressed "Finish" and "reset" the GPS data was corrupted.

This may take the form of:
a.A sequence of missing data points
b.Restarting a previous ride when you had not "reset", ie you pressed stop in location A and restarted the same ride at location B which is 20kms from the end of location A
c.Restarting a previous ride from the day before, ie you pressed stop on Saturday and resumed the ride on Sunday

If this issue persists, please create a support ticket

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2. What is a bunchride?

A bunchride is a group bike ride which takes place regularly on a defined route on a specified day and starting time.

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3. What is an activity?

An activity is cycling data you have uploaded to Bunchrides from your Garmin device, computer or Smart phone app. Each ride activity commences at the time you press ‘start’ on your Garmin device or the Bunchrides app on your Smart phone and ends when you press ‘stop’.



  • Garmin Device users, reset the device after pressing ‘stop’ 
  • Smart phone users, press ‘save’ after selecting ‘stop’. 


You can upload your ride activity data from either a Garmin device or our App to the Bunchrides website. You will then be prompted to either match your ride activities to an existing Bunchride or create a new route to an existing bunchride (variation) or create a totally new ride.

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4. What is “cutting” an activity?

In order to create a new Group ride or add a new variation to a ride, alter your activity by removing activity sections before the starting point and after the finishing point. Once a ride has been cut, this becomes a new route for a new Group ride.

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5. What is a ride title?

A ride title is the name that the group ride is known as. The name could come from the starting point, a business name, a street name, a person or a group or team name or simply a generic name. When you “cut” an activity, the start of the cut activity becomes the starting location of a group ride that falls under that ride title. The ride title is unique to the GPS address where the ride starts. There is no restrictions on the number of variations that can be created under a ride title however the variation must commence from the same GPS address as the ride title. The first time a new group ride is formed forms the basis of where all future variations commence from.

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6. What is a variation?

A variation is a new route created under an existing ride title and anyone can create a new variation. When a variation is created for the first time, the new route has been “cut”. A variation can travel in any direction BUT must commence from the same starting point of the existing ride title. The first time a Bunchride is created, the default name for the variation is “original”.

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7. What is a stage?

Just like the Tour de France, with Bunchrides you can name ‘stages’ or sections of the group ride. Stages can be ‘Uphills’ ‘Straights’ ‘Downhills’ or ‘Overall’ - which is the start to finish of the bunchride, similar to the Yellow jersey in the Tour De France. Uphills are similar to the King of the Mountains (KOM) and Straights are similar to the Sprint stages. The Bunchrides awards sections are based on who has achieved the most PB’s (Personal best) for a given ride. Bunchrides motto is “we ride together” and we will never encourage underground or unsanctioned racing as this can prove dangerous to not only riders with the bunch but other cyclists, pedestrians and road users. We do not have a leader board based on the fastest times, only a list of those riders who achieved the most improvements for a particular stage.

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8. What is a starting time?

This is the time a Bunchride creator determines when riders should “meet up” and start the ride. Bunchrides gives you flexibility to set your starting times up to 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after you physically ride past the starting point when initially creating the ride. This allows you to create a new start time from an existing ride.

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9. What is departure within?

This is the maximum time riders have to depart from the starting point. For example, if your starting time is 7.00am and you set a departure within 5 minutes, all riders must pass the starting point between 7am and 7.05am. If a rider passes through the starting time from 7.06am onwards, they cannot ‘join’ the ride. Bunchrides ‘departure within’ allows you to join a ride up to 50 minutes after the starting time. This gives you the flexibility to have a quick coffee or breakfast at your favourite coffee before officially departing.

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10. What is the difference between an activity and a group ride?

A group ride is an established route for a ride on an allocated day and time at regular intervals. Your group ride will ALWAYS be within your activity. An activity represents an entire route from the time you pressed start to the time you pressed stop on your Garmin or your Bunchrides App.

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11. What is a PB?

A PB is your Personal Best time for a ride or stages you completed at least twice.

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12. What is the rider level?

Bunchrides uses a rider rating system which has 4 distinct parts:


  • Difficulty
    The level of overall difficulty of a group ride
  • Fitness Level
    The fitness level required to participate in a ride 
  • Rider Experience
    How many years’ experience the rider has Skill 
  • Level
    The proficiency of the rider’s handling and group riding skills We then apply an average to give you a quick summary of the ride.

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